Netcare’s Friedland to call it a day

Dr Richard Friedland, after 30 years as a Netcare Healthcare Group medical practitioner and administrator—18 years as CEO—has announced his retirement, effective from 30 September 2024. A successor has yet to be appointed.


In a letter to Netcare personnel on Friday, Friedland acknowledged his appreciation of their support and diligence through the years: “Together we have faced many challenges, some that have brought us literally to our knees,” he wrote, making specific reference to the loss of close friends, colleagues, and “frontline heroes”, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“And yet each time, as hard as they have been,” he continued, “we have stretched out our hands and helped each other up.

“We have also celebrated pivotal successes and made incredibly meaningful contributions to the people, communities and country we love and serve.”

A successor has yet to be appointed.

SOURCE: LinkedIn

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